Friday, September 30, 2011

Not here anymore

You are not here
Not by my side
to hear my stories
to share my joy
to cheer me on
to keep me going
to tease me
and to make me laugh

How will I survive
How will I cope
Now that you are not here
Not here anymore


  1. kehilangan tetap terasa
    hanya bacaan yasin mampuku beri
    bagi kerinduan yg x mungkin terubat!

  2. Kehidupan mesti diteruskan
    Walaupun kadang tu rasa keseorangan
    Kehidupan mesti diteruskan
    Mengisi kekosongan dengan kesibukan
    Walaupun kesibukan itu terpaksa dicari
    Sesungguhnya bila ada tak perasan
    Bila tak ada barulah terasa kehadirannya
    Amat dihargai
